Those electronic files are SO lit!

April 13, 2022

Those electronic files are SO lit!

Those electronic personnel files are so lit! Say what? You know, they are dope! We know what you are thinking - HUH?! Well, according to our millennial generation colleagues “lit” and “dope” are today’s version of “cool,” “groovy,” or “awesome.” Which leads us to the question - why would you ever want to move to electronic personnel files? Here are three simple reasons:

  1. Let’s start with an obvious answer. Electronic personnel files let you clean out that old file cabinet or room and put the space to better use.

  2. Reason number two is really important: If an employee asks for information, you get an internal complaint, or (hopefully not) you are involved in litigation, having accurate access to stored documents can save your bacon.

  3. But the reason we actually think is most compelling brings us back to our lit/dope colleagues . . . all of our organizations are hiring Millennial Employees (and, soon, Generation Z) and they all grew up with computers in their pockets. As you hire them as HR professionals, they will expect to manage information in electronic personnel files, not paper files. As well, as you help hire other organizational employees, and when they ask to see their personnel files, none of them are expecting to come down to an office and use a photocopier . . . How cool, we mean lit, will you be when you send employees a secure email link so they can access their personnel file (the parts you allow) on their smartphone?!? You do that and, just maybe, they will use your name and the word “lit” in the same sentence!!!

From your friends at BestDayHR, inspired by our Millennial colleagues.